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Africa Week

Africa Week

Global Citizenship

17th May - 21st May 2010

At Glendale we have been working hard all year on developing our pupils as responsible citizens through our classwork, assemblies, committees and community-based opportunities. In addition to all of this good work we have decided to have a special Africa Week to further develop our work on Global Citizenship. During this week the children will learn about Fairtrade and Human Rights. The children will also participate in  a range of activities which will focus on developing their cultural knowledge of Africa through dance, music, art and cooking.

On Friday 21st May the children and staff will get together for a whole school assembly to celebrate the learning and achievements of the week. We would like to invite all parents and friends to help us celebrate by visiting our African Art Exhibition in the school on Friday 21st May from 2.45 pm - 3.15 pm.