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Primary 6 take a trip to 1887

On Thursday of last week, Primary 6 went to Scotland Street School Museum to take part in the 'Victorian Classroom' workshop. The children were asked to dress up in the types of clothes Victorian school children would have worn, and then were taken to their classroom. They were met by a very strict teacher, who ordered the children into their seats. The children were then given a taster of the types of work that children would have done in Victorian times, and recited tables and practiced handwriting. The teacher then came out of role, to the delight of many children, and told us lots more about the Victorian Classroom experience. We felt this was a most worthwhile trip, and really enhanced our understanding of school days for Victorian children. Thanks to all those involved.

Waiting on the teacher...

In the classroom

Working hard...of course!!!!


For more photographs of our trip look in the photo gallery!