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The school mural


During the holidays our artist have been very busy.



We are four Glasgow artists who are planning to repaint the mural on the front of the school. We have come up with a design for the mural thanks to many good ideas from the Eco Committee and Pupil Council along with some ideas of our own.

The background of the painting will be patterns of Arabic and Indian origin along with some patterns from the sandstone building opposite the school. Familiar patterns will interact with the patterns to create a fantastic landscape. The sun and moon, plants and flowers will be in the composition, alongside those patterns and objects. Some objects will be enlarged to become as big or bigger than most pupils. We hope to make a painting which contains several stories and secrets which are gradually revealed by looking at the wall, time after time.

From Cathy, Torsten, Charlie and Darren 




It is very exciting seeing all the different things in the mural and it is not finished yet!