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Final Assembly

 On Wednesday the 22nd of June the whole school came together for their certificate assembly.

We had a surprise visit from Margaret who brought a certificate to say thank you for the wonderful cheque we sent to sponsor a hearing dog. 

We also received a certificate from The red nose day team  to say thank you for the large cheque we sent to them. Glendale has given over £2000 to different charities this year - a huge thank you to everyone for their generosity. 



The Eco Committee received a certificate and a plant. 


The school council have also worked hard this year. 


Thank you to the reading buddies who support children in Primary 1 with their reading during their lunchtimes. 


Certificates were also given to the netball team, successful swimmers, children with perfect and excellent attendance. 197 children also received an award for keeping all their Golden time this year. Well done! 


Congratulations to everyone at the end of another great year at Glendale!