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End of term

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we reach the end of term I wanted to thank you for all the support you have given the children and the staff during this school session. We have had another happy and successful school year which is based on our good home/school partnership.

We will be closing at 1pm this Fri 28th June, and will re-open for the children at 9am on Wednesday 14th August.

In the coming school year there will be 2 additional in-service days, so 7 in total. The dates are

- Mon 12th and Tue 13th August 2019

- Fri 11th October 2019

- Fri 29th November 2019

- Fri 7th February 2020

- Wed 12th February 2020 

- Mon 11th May 2020

A full list of next session's holidays can be found on the Glasgow City Council website. I would like to wish you all a safe and happy summer and we look forward to seeing the children in August.

Best Wishes

Ms Laird